Safety and prevention

The safety of your children attending LFI Tokyo is a major issue for us. It involves all the staff of our establishment on a daily basis. In order to give you an overview of our security plan, we have produced a video presenting this system.
The French International High School of Tokyo, located in the Tokyo Takinogawa district, owns a security team who has a double vocation :
- A preventive action : this action aims to monitor the general state of the school's security devices and to keep an eye on the state of the stocks availabilities (survival, water, first aid kits). Members of the security team also have to master the functioning of the security devices and to integrate the instructions and procedures defined by our protocol in order to implement them in a case of crisis.
- During crisis period, our team has to protect goods and persons within the framework of this protocol.
- Download the security protocol for the Takinogawa site.
- Safety Note (AEFE) for the school year 2018 - 2019.
Important : from the school year 2016 - 2017, the LFI Tokyo has reinforced its security system with a new protocol.
Security at LFI Tokyo, it's on Twitter.
Do not miss any more important information concerning your child's safety at LFI Tokyo (safety exercises, typhoon, earthquake or other alerts...), follow us while subscribing to the twitter safety account: @LFIT_securite
To mark the start of the 2014 school year, a film called "Safety is everyone's business" has been made to explain the rules to follow in the event of an earthquake or fire at LFI Tokyo.
At the beginning of each new school year, all the students of our high school are watching this prevention movie with their primary teacher or their main secondary teacher on the first day of school.
In 2013 we received for a week in our school, the Sciences and Biology professor, Xavier GOERGLER who was mandated by the CRDP of Amiens and the AEFE, to produce a series of reports around the world on the theme : "The educational community facing major natural hazards". This report falls within the framework of security at the LFI Tokyo. We would like to thank the CRDP of Amiens who produced the editing of this documentary.