

Retrouvez ci-dessous, un court teaser vidéo du projet à la fois d'écriture collective et de réalisation d'un court-métrage par les élèves de cinquième bilingue.

Après avoir élaboré une galerie de portraits pour les suspects d'une "crime story" imaginée par eux, nos élèves ont travaillé sur un récit dialogué, coordonné et mis en scène dans un grand huis-clos qui sera filmé puis projeté au printemps prochain dans l'auditorium de notre établissement.

Sveltana project à venir au printemps 2015

Synopsis :

In September, twenty-four 7th Graders initiated the Svetlana Project.

In the middle of Siberia, in a train rushing to Moscow, a mysterious lady is assassinated.

Our students picked pictures. They invented guilty lives. They found reasons for these suspects to be onboard, the very night of the crime.

They imagined the scenario of an evening where their characters were minding their own business while the crime was committed.

But it is just as they say: "whoever made the rhyme, did the crime". And our 24 authors as they build the narration of a crime story, also get to work together to find a coherent ending, harmonious testimonies and efficient lies...

Svetlana's project is more than a creative writing workshop: its ambition is to empower and give directions to young writers so that they complete a multi view story... to turn it into a scenario for stage and eventually act it, stage it, and display it, for all to see.

Completion prediction: March 2015

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